Monday, June 18, 2012

It worked!

I know I am not a very good blogger, but I tried to post a few weeks ago and it wouldn't work. I am happy it is finally fixed. More posts to come.

side note: I went to Virginia. It was technically a business trip, but my 2 friends and I spent a day touring histroic Fredericksburg. It was really fun. We also may have harvested some strawberries from Mary Washington (George's mother) 's garden.

We are getting ready to move and I feel like we have so much to do! Work is also a little crazy right now, but I am hoping that things will calm down a little in the next few weeks. I convinced David to take a week off of work and come to Denver with me for this. I am really excited to have fun, learn a lot, and see the Beach Boys.

Friday, April 6, 2012

He Got In!

I can't believe I am posting this picture on my blog, but around here we are all excited about the news we received. David will be starting the Occupational Therapy Program in August. It is a 3 year Master's Degree Program. It seems like everything has come together so well. (Although I am still frustrated with the residency office.)

I have not been good about taking pictures lately, but I found a picture that I thought was applicable. He had just caught a Spanish Mackerel and was smiling ear to ear!

p.s. the fish doesn't look that big, but it was yummy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentine's Day

We had a great Valentine's Day this year! A picture says a thousand words...

Great times with good friends and live music. What could be better!


Unfortunately it is still winter. I am trying to stay busy by finishing some projects that I have been ignoring for way too long.
I organized the upstairs closet. (I've only been living in this apartment for 18 months.)

I successfully completed my first Mod Podge project. I am really happy with the result.

And, I dyed my hair. I contribute this decision mostly to the never ending nature of winter and ro me trying not to cut my hair off to achieve change. I like it, and I like that it's a little different.
Next up are some fun St. Patrick's Day decorations that pinterest has made possible.
Here is a picture that reminds me of a place where it never feels like winter. (Thanks for getting this to me Caroline)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

365 Days Later

We had our first anniversary on February 11th. David had his interview with the Occupational Therapy Program at the University of Utah that day and I had a meeting in Salt Lake, so we were able to drive down together. I was expecting David to be busy all day, so I was a little surprised when he was done a little after 1 in the afternoon. He felt really great about the interview, so now it is just a waiting game.

We ended up having a few hours in Salt Lake to visit David's sister Jill and her brand new baby girl, Emmy and wander around IKEA.

David had planned for us to stay at a Bed and Breakfast called the Ellerbeck Mansion. It was quaint and cute and despite being located in a maze of one-way streets, it was perfect.

We didn't have a wedding cake to save from our wedding, so I had Casady make me a little German Chocolate Cake to surprise David. Not only was it the cutest cake ever, but it was so yummy!

Next up: our super fun Valentine's Day!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Random News

Just in case anyone reads this and wants to know. Here is what has been going on:

  • While we were in Florida our townhouse flooded. A pipe burst behind the tub. Our landlord was wonderful about getting everything fixed up. We came home to a few wet things, but overall the damage was pretty minimal
  • David applied the the Occupational Therapy Master's Program at the University of Utah. He has an interview on February 10th. We did find out that he was accepted to the University (separate from being admitted to the program), so at least we are over one hurdle. 
  • One of our goals was to exercise more regularly in 2012. I went to my first Zumba class on Thursday. It was fun. I think I will try it a few more times. (Especially while it too cold to exercise outside.) David has been a major support to our ward basketball team.
  • Another goal for this year is to read more. I got a kindle for Christmas! And I am taking suggestions of books I should read.
  • And, our Christmas Cactus bloomed. I kill pretty much every plant, so this really is amazing.

Florida Christmas

We went to Florida for Christmas and has so much fun! There are too many fun things to show here, but here are some highlights.
David learned all about the everglades. We saw quite a few alligators and a some turtles, birds and fish at Everglades National Park. I learned that David is afraid of alligators. He would not get any closer than this.
We also got to go on an airboat ride and we learned all about how the Native Americans used to live in the Everglades.
I got to sit in the driver's seat! Look close and you can see an alligator in the water.
We got lots of fun presents. David got a new laptop and some movies and books. My big present was a plain gold band that was custom made to match my wedding ring.
David said that this book was his favorite present. Some how there are no pictures of me on Christmas morning... darn! (There probably are some on my sister's camera.)
The rest of Christmas looked like this. All of the little boys got super cute matching pajamas, but despite many attempts I didn't get a good picture of them all together.
 The Monday before we came home David and I took a 24 hour trip to Sanibel Island. A little island off the west coast of Florida. A cold front had come through, so we had to wear sweatshirts, but it was really fun! We will definitely go back.
Goodbye Florida! We miss you already.